Apr 20, 2021

Everything you need to know about Calvados


What is Calvados?

Calvados is an apple or pear brandy that originates from Normandy France. This liquor, which starts out as an apple cider, must be produced in this specific region in order to be labeled as Calvados. What differentiates Calvados from other brandies is that it is produced from apple cider as opposed to wine.

How do you enjoy Calvados?

The traditional way to drink Calvados is as an after-dinner drink or as an aperitif’. Of Course, there are many modern ways to serve calvados. Most fine cocktail bars stock Calvados to serve on its own, or as a mixer in different drinks. Calvados is best savored in a tulip-shaped glass or a small wine glass in order to hold the aromas and full flavor profile of the brandy.

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